[Reposted from an old, neglected blog of mine: my first-ever movie review.] Thanks to Netflix, I finally got to watch "The Terminal" last night. I love Tom Hanks, so I was expecting to enjoy this, and I did. It's funny how this movie could have slid down into an extra-cutesy ensemble flick with stereotypical loveable characters, but there was just enough added character development to keep this movie from getting predictable. I have to admit, the first time Navorski (Hanks) started spackling … [Read more...] about The Terminal
Coming Soon!
It's probably worth mentioning right away, just so we're clear, that I am a rabid fan of Johnny Depp. I haven't seen nearly all of his movies yet, but I've seen a good many of them and I love all of the interesting characters he can portray. I'm also a huge fan of Tim Burton. I've seen most (not quite all) of his movies as well, and I just love his interesting views on things. I love how his mind works. So naturally, I am VERY excited that the premiere of "Alice In Wonderland" is just a little … [Read more...] about Coming Soon!
My Review of The Prestige
[originally published on an old blog, April 27, 2007] Spoilers abound! There, you've been warned. I finally got to see a movie I've wanted to see for months now - The Prestige. It took me a couple of days to watch the entire thing; now I need to rewatch it all at once, to get the full effect. The entire movie was just filled with tension, not unlike the tension I feel watching a good illusionist. You spend the entire movie not really knowing what to expect, what will happen next. Rather than … [Read more...] about My Review of The Prestige
John Cusack in a Hotel with Stephen King
[Republished from an ancient blog, long abandoned and forgotten, originally posted on June 23, 2007.] I have just had the scariest, most gut-wrenching movie experience I've had since, oh, I can't remember when. Maybe never. 1408 opened today, and I happened to stumble across a trailer for it online just this evening. Apparently the movie is based on a Stephen King short story of the same name, published in the collection "Everything's Eventual." The crazy thing is, I have this book. I … [Read more...] about John Cusack in a Hotel with Stephen King