Remember my friend Jean? I introduced you to her in yesterday’s post about Random Acts’ Annual Melee of Kindness. Well, I told you I’d share a little more about her, and so today, that’s the plan.
When I presented at my local Pecha Kucha Night a few weeks ago, I talked about reasons to choose kindness in everyday life. One of the reasons was because being kind is easier than you might think. I talked about making lunches for my kids, which is something I’ve done many times over the years. It’s simple. Basic. Everyday. Except for people who are homeless, or food insecure. So sharing kindness sometimes simply means doing a little more of the things you do all the time anyway, and then sharing what you have with others.
Another way to share kindness is to pool resources with friends (and soon-to-be friends!) to make something bigger happen. You can be a part of that by contributing to my Crowdrise birthday campaign for Random Acts. Any amount is welcome (minimum of $10 online, or absolutely any amount offline), and will go to support the construction of a new school in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. And you might even get a little gift from me in return!
Not one to leave well enough alone, my dear friend Jean also took kindness to the next level. Inspired by GISHWHES (a global scavenger hunt led by Misha Collins), she dressed her minivan in multicolored fringe and drove around Chicagoland in costume collecting donations for a local pet shelter. She definitely makes kindness look good, in a big way!